On the 2nd Day of Christmas...


On the second day of Christmas, ROZ gives to you…..

Attend GTFO 2019 in Whistler BC at this years rate!!! I only offered this to my past GTFO’ers and you better believe spots got scooped up! Want to GTFO next September? Want to take your hubby on a trip together? Want some quality time with you + your besties? How about you snag a couple spots for you and your sister for Christmas? BOOK IN NOW, THIS RETREAT IS SURE TO SELL OUT AGAIN! all the details are right here for GTFO 2019!

holla at me via email to receive this offer, cant wait to hear from you!!!

happy friiiiday!


more deets:
*sign up offered between now and the first week of January.
*this offer is based on a first come, first served basis and is limited to 4 spots.